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The Tom Cherry Experience

Monday, December 31, 2012

Saturday's Comic Haul (The Last of 2012!): 12/29/12

The Thing
1963 Book Two: No One Escapes...The Fury!
1963 Book Five: Horus, Lord of Light
Adventure Comics #527
Batman Incorporated #0
Bongo Comics Presents Comic Book Guy: The Comic Book #3
FF #1
FF #2
Legion of Super-Heroes #15
The Unwritten #44
1 Comic Book Short Box
Purchased at Bob's Comic Castle. Total cost: $25.07
Notes: With this comic book haul, I now own all six 1963 books. Yay me!...I really enjoyed the first two issues of FF and I may have to add it to my pull list...This haul was purchased with a twenty-five dollar gift certificate from my cousin, Tim. Thanks again, Tim!

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blast from the Past: The Queen of 2012 (June 2012)

The Frog Prince
I was the Queen in Julie Lyn Barber's The Frog Prince in June.
The cast also starred (Back row, l-r) Joe Skeen and Frank Knasinski and (Front row, l-r) Lydia Gosnell, Kasey Cummins, and Julie Lyn Barber
The photo was by Marty Sulek

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Your Jam Comics Notification

I love Dale Martin's work. I love Keith O'Brien's work. I occasionally like my work. Here's an example of all three @ http://tinyurl.com/cnpq5hn

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas on the Air

Father Knows Best
Tom Cherry's Old Time Radio Show is throwing a Christmas party this Saturday and you are invited! Spread some Christmas cheer with the Andersons on Father Knows Best starring Sean Heline! Linda Gilchrist! Wendy Carpenter! Gabriel Carpenter! Sean Orlosky! Bob Green! Our sound man and woman, Jerry and Judy Cole! And our special guest star, Missy Donahue! Plus Hoppy Hopper meets Santa Claus on The Happy Hoppy Hopper Show and The Mayor of Farmland meets Tiny Tim! As well as Your Hit Parade and It Pays to be Ignorant! That's this Saturday (12/22/12) @ 3:00pm at the Farmland Center! Only one dollar per seat!
Can't make it? You can also listen in by clicking the radio icon at http://www.farmlandindiana.org/ or on any mobile device through the TuneIn App, keyword Farmland Radio! Tune in, turn out, and we'll see you on the radio!

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Yesterday's Comic Haul (12/15/12)

Archie #635
Futurama #64
House of Fun
Popeye #8
SpongeBob Comics #15
The Walking Dead #105
Purchased at Bob's Comic Castle. Total cost: $20 and some change
Notes: Bob got me a copy of House of Fun liked he promised. All is forgiven, Bob!...My confession: I bought that issue of Archie just for the Jill Thompson cover...Some heartbreaking scenes for Carl in the latest Walking Dead. Your mileage may vary...I really hate that glossy paper stock that leaves fingerprints. Maybe I should wear gloves to read comics now...This haul's winner? House of Fun.

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Saturday, December 08, 2012

Today's Comic Haul (12/8/12)

Ice King's Lament
Adventure Time #10
Hellboy in Hell #1
Purchased at Bob's Comic Castle. Total cost: Seven dollars and change
Note: I was hoping to grab Evan Dorkin's House of Fun one shot today, but Bob forgot to order me a copy. Oh, Bob!

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Monday, December 03, 2012

Monkey Squad Monday

Monkey Squad One #11
The best superhero comic book I'm following right now doesn't come from Marvel or DC or any other mainstream comic book company. No, the best superhero comic book I'm reading and loving at the moment comes from Doug Michel, a talented writer/artist from St. Louis. His book, Monkey Squad One, follows the adventures of three boys who fight supervillains, evil A.U.N.T.s, giant bugs, brain-thirsty zombies, and other forms of evil under the watchful eye of a not-so-secret government agency that is headquartered in the Gateway Arch (Which now features a laser cannon on top). I'm afraid I can't properly describe MS1 without doing it justice, but if you want to enjoy a superhero comic that features heroes with a kickass attitiude, smart and funny writing, excellent and original artwork, and an unique local flavor then Monkey Squad One is the book for you!
If any of this intrigues you, you can check out some of the Squad's adventures at  www.monkeysquadone.com or contact Doug at monkeysquadmailbox@gmail.com and he might even hook you up with a free comic!
It's always a thrill to come across someone who is passionate and excited about making comics. Doug's enthusiasm and creativity is evident on every page and his comic books are just fun to read! Do yourself a favor and check them out!

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Sunday, December 02, 2012


Murray the Cop
Hey, I just got cast as Murray the cop for the Muncie Civic Theatre's upcoming production of The Odd Couple! Should be fun!
Well, "Draw Hiram Lodge Day" has come and gone and I think I can safely deem it a success! Thanks to the following talented gentlemen who made the day so fun: Dale Martin, Keith O'Brien, Jack Bertram, and Jim and Jake Fields!
Just recently I transcribed an episode of the radio show, The Damon Runyon Theater, so we could perform it for November's Tom Cherry's Old Time Radio Show. I became a fan of The Damon Runyon Theater when it occasionally aired on When Radio Was and, when the idea came about to do an old time radio show in Farmland, I knew TDRT would be one of the shows we would feature. If anybody is curious to read the transcribed script for the story, "Princess O'Hara", you can now find it at The Generic Radio Workshop, an invaluable website that heroically maintains a massive library of Old-Time Radio scripts. If you're a fan of OTR, check it out!
And if you're ever curious about the little radio show I'm involved in, more information can be found at www.farmlandindiana.org

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The Portrait of Lodge by a Young Artist

The Portrait of Lodge by a Young Artist
Hiram Lodge by the amazing Jake Fields

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Saturday, December 01, 2012

The Haunting of Hiram Lodge

The Haunting of Hiram Lodge
A ghost story by Jim Fields

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Fire 'Em Lodge

Fire 'Em Lodge
Hiram Lodge by Keith O'Brien

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Draw Hiram Lodge Day 2012

It's December 1st and for the past two years we have taken this day to honor the richest man in Riverdale, Mr. Hiram Lodge! Despite being a member of the 1%, Mr. Lodge rarely gets the attention he deserves so let's pay tribute to this great fictional man by drawing him! The drawing above is my contribution to this joyous day! Taking a page from J. Jonah Jameson's playbook, Mr. Lodge has gotten himself an Archie-Slayer (Inspired by Steve Ditko's Spider-Slayer)!
And look! Super cartoonist Dale Martin shows the dark side of Hiram Lodge!
Mob Boss Hiram "Fire 'Em" Lodge by Keith O'Brien
The haunting of Hiram Lodge by Jim Fields
Jack Bertram proves Hiram Lodge can get Savage!
A portrait of Lodge by a young artist, Jake Fields

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