Happy Thanksgiving! Just for the fun of it I decided to blog the big Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I'll be watching NBC's telecast with its bad lip-synched musical numbers and Al Roker. Huzzah!
9:35amOkay, I'm running behind as always. The cast from
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is doing a number and people are actually clapping. NBC usually has canned applause after every musical number, but this was actual people clapping. Huh.
9:48amAl Roker is interviewing Adrian Brody. A little
King Kong talk and we're at commercial.
9:50amI like the Macy's parade. I always wanted to go to New York and see it in person. I told this to
Eric Whetsel once and he gave me a strange look.
9:55amAnother commercial. I think the actual parade is about to start. I think I'm going to make some toast.
Okay, maybe it's 9:55am for realIt's time for the Rockettes. Katie Couric sez "Leggy Legends".
I'm starting to realize why I haven't watched this in the past couple of years. Yawnish.
10:00ishI just grabbed some pudding from downstairs and the parade has started. Katie and Matt Lauer's banter about and the giant turkey float is coming into view. And there's Scooby Doo in balloon format. He's staying inflated and that's always good.
10:10amNuts! I forgot to save my last update and now it's gone. To recap, the parade has started, I grabbed some pudding, and we saw the Scooby Doo balloon. Now there's Big Bird in balloon form and there's the
Sesame Street float with Gordon singing something. There's Bob and Susan and where's Maria? I demand
Poor Rita Coolidge. You only see her at parades nowadays. She needs a new agent.
10:19amPuffy AmiYumi proves something. I can't figure out what at the moment, but something. After all these years, I still hate Barney and his balloon is doing nothing for me. Marching band time again! My pudding is good.
A Build A Bear float with singing 'tween pop star wannabes. I suddenly miss Puffy AmiYumi.

Now a commercial for the Build A Bear people with a little girl who looks and sounds like a young Shirley Hemphill.
10:30ishMattel spent some money on a Barbie float. A lot of Radio Disney "superstars" are on this thing. I liked it better in the old days when they had the third maid from
Different Strokes lip-synching a song from
The Sound of Music while riding an animated cactus, but that's just me.
A mob of girls in sailor suits are dancing about and Katie calls them "Cute!". Time for another marching band with hula girls in flesh-colored sweatshirts. And SpongeBob Squarepants flies by while Katie and Matt Lauer spout bad underwater puns.
I'm making some toast come next commercial.
10:50amAn Animal Planet float with Tommy Tune! Just like Rita Coolidge, he's come out of hibernation to sing! Disney's Chicken Little has a balloon and it's not that bad. I still want toast, but I'm too lazy to go downstairs. Maybe next commercial.
More marching band action and there they go. I see Charlie Brown coming soon and NFL mascots on parade! Oh,
Kristin Chenoweth, sing to me! Sing to me! Damn, she's cute! Marry me, Kristin!
Toast time!
11:10amOkay, I'm back! Did I miss much? I didn't think so? My niece Maddie's favorite, Dora the Explorer, soars by and I'm eating toast. Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Linda and Uncle Jerry's is around 2:00pm so I don't want to ruin my appetite. Man, I'm tired. I didn't get much sleep and now I want to nap. SuperGrover is flying rather low. I love Grover. Oh no! Cheerleaders. Go away, cheerleaders, go away!
11:25amThis is feeling more like a chore. Did you know Ronald McDonald teaches the importance of fitness? Neither did I. As a
Jay Stephens fan, I'm happy to see a Tutenstein float. Does he get any money out of that?
A commercial for a Seth Green sitcom and it really doesn't look that promising. By the way, does anybody else think Green's
Robot Chicken is more miss than hit? Too much vomit and fart gags for my taste.
So Mr. Potato Head is healthier because he's wearing running shoes and has a water bottle? If being healthy just requires a water bottle, please sign me up.
11:40amI see Garfield in the background. No mention of Jim Davis though. Oh, the Beach Boys. Is Mike Love the only original member left? Does anybody care? I always heard Love was a jerk.
Kermit the Frog is Target's new spokesman?
Things are starting to wind down and I feel so empty. I should have slept in, because the parade really isn't that entertaining. Each float and balloon seem like a product placement. Has it always been like that and I just haven't noticed? Am I turning into a humbug? So, so sleepy.
11:55amAnd here comes Santa Claus in his Father Christmas garb. Okay, Santa is a little too animated. Somebody give the big guy some Ritalin! The gang from
Today just signed off and so am I. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!