Boy and Dog

Labels: boy, dog, placemat sketch
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Labels: boy, dog, placemat sketch
Labels: Allen Milgrom, Carl Gafford, Dollar Bill, Ed Hannigan, Foolkiller, Herb Trimpe, I. Watanabe, Jim Shooter, Marvel Comics, Mike Esposito, The Defenders, The Dollar Bill Panel of the Month
Labels: art exhibit, comic strips, Farmland Center, From the Stage to the Walls, Lindsey Cox, Sean Orlosky, Wendy Carpenter
Labels: art exhibit, Farmland Center, From the Stage to the Walls, Lindsey Cox, Sean Orlosky, Wendy Carpenter
Labels: Smiling Bald Man with Hands, Toon
Labels: elephant, placemat sketch
Labels: Impossible Man, Jack Kirby, Other People's Toys, Stan Lee, Today's Comic Haul
Labels: Eric Whetsel, technical difficulties, Those Funky Idiots
Labels: Blossom, Craig McCracken, Draw a Powerpuff Girl Day, Other People's Toys, Sean Smart