Bit Player

Lights! Camera! Action!: I just recently stumbled into a part for a Ball State student movie tentatively called Grove Lake. I play a Boo Radley-type of character with a fondness for scrap metal. My first day in front of the camera was Tuesday in Summitville where I harass a lovely reporter in a bar. Thursday found me in Mt. Pleasant, looking for cans and harassing that same lovely reporter (Are you noticing a trend?).
The cast and crew are a creative, energetic bunch that have treated me kindly. Filming the last couple of days have brought back fond memories of my public access days. Though the equipment is more expensive and the crew more plentiful, the process is basically comparable to what we did on our little garage sitcom. It's been fun playing make believe in front of a camera again. I'm just hoping I'm delivering the goods performance wise.
Album of the Moment: Icky Thump, The White Stripes
Political Suicide: By choosing a Celine Dion song for her campaign, Hillary Clinton guaranteed her bid for presidency will go down in flames.
The Number of Ketchup Packets I Received at Lunch Yesterday: Five
Coming Soon: Tales from Texas!
Labels: backstage chatter, Grove Lake, ketchup packets, List O' Stuff