Returning to The Fold
Another Year’s End: Tomorrow is my birthday, the beginning of my 39th year on this planet we call Earth. I’m going to celebrate by going to an audition at the Muncie Civic. The last time I went to an audition on my birthday was for You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown many, many moons ago and I bombed. I guess we’ll see if history repeats itself.
Did You Know?: When I got my first “C” in the first grade, I cried. Damn you, Mrs. Michaels!
TV Thought: Happiness is a new season of The Venture Brothers
Number of Ketchup Packets I Received at Lunch Yesterday: Four
Today’s Health Scare: Blindness
Question of the Moment: Will this be the weekend when I finally hook up my new scanner/printer?
Final Note: Thanks to my pal Nick for getting me Knocked Up for my birthday! Uh, maybe I should have phrased that a little bit differently…
Did You Know?: When I got my first “C” in the first grade, I cried. Damn you, Mrs. Michaels!
TV Thought: Happiness is a new season of The Venture Brothers
Number of Ketchup Packets I Received at Lunch Yesterday: Four
Today’s Health Scare: Blindness
Question of the Moment: Will this be the weekend when I finally hook up my new scanner/printer?
Final Note: Thanks to my pal Nick for getting me Knocked Up for my birthday! Uh, maybe I should have phrased that a little bit differently…
Labels: Progress Report
Are you enjoying the new season of The Venture Brothers? It pains me to say it, but I've been really disappointed in it so far.
Jeff Laub, at 11:07 AM
I have been enjoying the new season overall though I was disappointed with the season opener and the general direction of The Monarch/Dr.Girlfriend storyline (Tho I'm liking the use of the Murderous Moppets). Of the five episodes, the standout for me is "The Invisible Hand of Fate" (Billy Quizboy's secret origin) with Sunday's Boy Adventurer Day Camp episode coming in as #2.
Tom, at 2:57 AM
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