Putting On The Dog
Homecoming: David Letterman was in town Friday for the dedication of a building that shares his name at Ball State. Thousands showed up to hear him speak. I was at work. 

Comic Book Confidential:

Cartoonist extraordinaire Dale Martin recently sent me a bundle of Watusi the Talking Dog comics which feature some of my scribblings! In issue # 23, Dale gave me the opportunity to complete the final panels for a handful of his fun jam comics and I did my best to fulfill his challenge! It was a lot of fun and I'm still honored Dale offered me a chance to finish some of Watusi's misadventures. Thanks again, Dale!
Album of the Moment: Under the Blacklight, Rilo Kiley
My Favorite Panel:

Labels: Dale Martin, List O' Stuff, Tom Cherry Panel of the Month, Watusi the Talking Dog
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