Now Showing

It's funny. One minute you're one dress rehearsal away from the big show and the next minute you're in the middle of the run. Time is passing quickly around these parts, I guess. Into the Woods opened last Friday in front of a great audience and we gave a stellar performance. For honesty's sake, I will admit I did flub a line during my encounter with the Witch (beautifully played by the lovely Julie Barber) and I nearly took an unplanned tumble on stage when I tripped over a root (I would explain, but come to the show and you'll know what I mean). Saturday's show was practically Friday's twin in its success, but Sunday's show was marred by a small, practically silent audience. However, some friendly faces from Touchy Feely Fotos were there to brighten the gloom. Thanks to everyone for their support!
Labels: backstage chatter, Into The Woods, Muncie Civic Theatre
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