I really should throw this away. The cover has tears, wrinkles, and a scribble from a blue ballpoint. It's missing some pages. Someone actually cut out half a page (Perhaps for the pint-size, do-it yourself X-Mas cards?) and three pieces of tape appear to be holding the book together. It looks like somebody stepped on it and gave it to a small dog as a chew toy. However, it's the only issue of Sugar and Spike I own and I'm keeping it.
Labels: comic book, DC Comics, My Comic Book Collection, Sheldon Mayer, Sugar and Spike
Spike cleaned up that Christmas. Batman, Robin, and a Batmobile!
Nik Havert, at 9:28 AM
Looks good to me-- I think all of my Sugar and Spikes are coverless! I still don't know why DC hasn't collected them; a Showcase collection would sell like hotcakes, even just in black and white...
SmearySoapboxPress, at 10:55 AM
I like Sugar & Spike a lot! I have a bunch of the issues, including some of the digest reprints. There IS a hardcover reprint out from DC. Volume 1 was released last September.
Postmaster, at 4:50 PM
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